Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Zipia Spree #20

Ordering from:
Minimum to order: USD300, no cap
Direct shipping from merchant to us, then us to you. About 3 weeks.
Exchange rate: USD$1 = SGD$1.40.
Self-Collection at our place at Bedok Reservoir at our convenience.
We'll be collecting $2 per item as inital payment, and $0.50 per order for packaging materials etc.

Calculation of shipping units as follows:
0.5 units: light accessories
1.0 units: T-shirts, light tunic tops, regular tops
1.5 units: Heavy tops, skirts, shorts
2.0 units: Dresses, bermudas, sweaters, jackets
2.5 units: Jeans, pants, shoes

Shipping charges are estimated at $2-$4 per unit. Spree updates will be made via email. Please email in this format only after payment as been made. For email orders, please email to with Zipia Spree #20 as title.

Real Name

Email address

Address for postage (leave blank for self-collection)

Bank account no: for refunds

Postage: Normal / Registered / Self Collection


Item #1



Item CodeURL: order will be based on this URL



Price in USD

Total no of items

Total amount in USD

Total in SGD = Total USD x 1.40 + (No of items x $2) = ?

Payment details:

Please make payment to DBS Savings Plus account 048-8-034045.

Interbank Transfers are welcome but we will only confirm the order when payment reaches us (may take up to 3 business days)

Ib NickAmount


Date and Time

ATM Transfer

Amount Transferred

Date and TimeTransaction Number

*We welcome all spree-ers but if you are going to be unreasonable with your demands, or are just simply impatient, please do not place your orders with us. We reserve the right to amend or cancel the spree as we see fit*

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